Monday, September 13, 2010

The Heinous Sin of Profane Cursing and Swearing Pt 6

As we have seen Whitefield states that cursing and swearing is made altogether more heinous in that it does not have any natural temptation.  We really must concede that observation for its only avenue for escape (cursing that is) is an unbridled tongue.  I would suppose (not to paint with a broad brush here) that one who has such a tongue also has a problem (i.e. sin) with other areas of speech such as gossip, slander, or lying (call them white lies if you wish but a lie don’t care who tells it).  To catch up on the post (highly recommended) look here.  So …Consider! 

The Heinous Sin of Profane Cursing and Swearing

IV. But it is time for me to proceed to give my Fourth and last reason, why common swearing is so exceeding sinful; and that is, Because it is such an extremity of sin, that can only be matched in hell, where all are desperate, and without hope of mercy.

The damned devils, and damned souls of men in hell, may be supposed to rave and blaspheme in their torments, because they know that the chains wherein they are held, can never be knocked off; but for men that swim in the river of God's goodness, whose mercies are renewed to them every morning, and who are visited with fresh tokens of his infinite unmerited loving-kindness every moment; for these favorite creatures to set their mouths against heaven, and to blaspheme a gracious, patient, all-bountiful God; is a height of sin which exceeds the blackness and impiety of devils and hell itself.

And now, after what has been here offered, to show the heinousness of profane cursing and swearing in common conversation, may I not very justly address myself to you in the words of the text, "Therefore I say unto you, Swear not at all;" since it is a sin that has no temptation in nature, nor brings any pleasure or profit to the committer of it; since it hardens infidels in their infidelity, and affords sad causes of grief and lamentation to every honest Christian; since it is a sin that generally grows into a habit, and lastly, such a sin that can only be matched in hell.


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